Children Christmas Camp 2022 #7
Place: Pyapon, Irrawaddy Division
Date: Dec. 23,2022
Leaders: Ms. Naw Tha Nwee & SEABC Gospel Team
Number of Children (including youths):170
Number of new converts: 35 (30 children+ 5 adults)
Reported by: Ms. Naw Tha Nwee & SEABC Gospel team
NOTE: By God’s grace, we SEABC Gospel team successfully held Children Christmas Camp in Pyapon today (Dec. 23,2022). The Christmas camp was joyfully attended by 170 children. Though we did not invite the parents of those children, around1 10 parents came to the camp. We shared about the Christmas message (Good news) to the children and had a counselling session for those parents. By God’s grace, 30 children and 5 parents accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Praise the Lord!
Please see the attached photos below-