January 2017 Praying Partners
Newsletter of South East Asia Bible College, Yangon, Myanmar
January 2017
Dear Praying Partners,
Pastors/Christian workers
Conference (June 24, 2016)
New Converts: Our missionary Bro. Tin Tun conducted a small groups Gospel meetings in South Dagon, Yangon area on June 12th & 13th., and on August 11, 2016. The first Gospel meeting was attended by around 12 people and two of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. The second Gospel meeting was attended by around 20 people and by God’s grace 5 of them accepted Jesus
Dear Praying Partners,
I wish you all have a Blessed and Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and partnerships in the Lord’s Ministry that we are doing in
Myanmar. I am now sending the PP#62 – Newsletter of SEA Bible College. I hope you will enjoy reading the
news and will give thanks and praises to the Lord.
1(a)# New Life Trainings (Photos No. 1-4)
Bro. Zaw Baung (alumni of SEA Bible College) and his family are
doing Evangelism and Church Planting in Shwepyathar, Yangon area.
He held a New Life Training (Gospel Meeting) at Shwepyethar on
October 10th, 2016. The training was attended by 13 persons; out of
those, three persons accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and
Lord. (Note: No photo)
And another New Life Training was held by bro. Zaw Baung in the
same place on November 4-6, 2016. By God’s grace, 18 people
attended the training and 6 of them accepted Jesus Christ as their
personal Savior and Lord. Out of those 6 new converts, 4 of them
took the Believer’s Water Baptism on November 6th, 2016.
(1) Mr. A-Nge Lay (33 yrs old)
(2)Mrs. Phyu Hnin Nwe (32 yrs old)
(3) Mr. Zaw Linn Aung (23 yrs old)
(4) Mr. Maung San (63 yrs old)
(b)# Christmas & Gospel Meeting (Photo No. 5)
Bro. Zaw Baung and believers from our church in Shwepyethar
celebrated Christmas on December 25th, 2016.We invited unbelievers.
We had a Gospel Meeting and about 63 adults and 34 children joyfully
attended. Zaw Boung preached the Christmas message (Gospel) and a
non-Christian namely Mr. Mya Ko accepted Jesus Christ as his
personal Savior and Lord and took water baptism on that day.
(Photo# 5) Mr. Mya Ko (25 yrs old)
Prayer Requests:
1) Please pray that the Lord will provide the needed funds for rental cost of a house for worship place.
2) for the Discipleship Training to be held in April - May, 2017.
3) for the continuous effectiveness of the Gospel Outreach ministry
2(a)#. Gospel Meeting (Photos No. 6 & 7)
Bro. Tial Thawng (alumni of SEABC) and his family
are reaching non-Christians with the Gospel and doing
church planting at South Dagon, Yangon area. He
conducted the Gospel Meeting on October 18-22, 2016.
The Gospel meeting was attended by 30 people. Out of
those, 15 of them accepted Jesus Christ as their
personal Savior and Lord. Out of those 15 new converts,
9 of them took believer's water baptism on Oct. 22, 2016.
The Church planter Bro. Tial Thawng baptized them. Out
of those 9 believers who took water baptism, one of them
is Hindi background; 3 of them are from type (B); and the
others are from nominal Christian background. Please
pray for the spiritual growth of those new converts and
the other 6 new converts that they will decide to follow
Jesus Christ and take water baptism in the future.
(Photo#6) Believer’s Water Baptism Program (Oct. 22, 2016)
(Photo#7) Tial Thawng & 9 new converts who were baptized
(b)# Children Christmas (Photo No. 8)
The Children Christmas Celebration was conducted
on Dec. 17th, 2016. Over 50 children joyfully attended
and we shared them about the story of Christmas. All the
children joyfully and enthusiastically sang Christmas
Carols. Then all the children joyfully had Christmas
Lunch Fellowship.
(Photo# 8) Children Christmas at South Dagon,
Yangon (Dec. 17, 2016)
3(a)# Personal Evangelism (Photo No. 9)
By God's grace, I (Ling Hung Mana) could continue the Gospel Outreach and Church planting ministry
at Shenboung village. A woman namely Mrs. Pai Kee (about 65 yrs old) accepted Jesus Christ as her personal
Savior and Lord on October 18, 2016. Please pray with me for the spiritual growth of this new convert.
(b)# A New Member (Photo No. 10)
The Lord blessed the Gospel outreach ministry that I am doing at Shenboung village that Mr. Naing
Thang Kee came to faith in Christ and joined our House Church on November 21, 2016.
(c) Project for Church Building (Photo No. 11)
Our mission house (hut) is too small. So, we have been in much prayers that the Lord will provide the
financial needs for the cost of a new building (House) for worship place. We need
your prayers and helps.
(Photo #9) Mrs. Pai Kee
(65 years old)
(Photo #10) Mr. Naing T. Kee (Left)
(Photo#11)Wood for
Church Building
Dear Praying Partners,
I am sending PP#62 (B), the ministry reports of some Alumni of SEA Bible College.
1(a)# Believer's Baptism (Mandalay)
By God’s grace, a lady namely Ma Thet Wei
(27 years old) accepted Jesus Christ and I (Tin Htay)
baptized her on November 19, 2016. Please pray for
her spiritual growth.
(b)# Gospel Meeting in Innwa
I had a wonderful
opportunity of holding the
Gospel Meeting in Innwa,
Mandalay areas on
December 21, 2016. The
Gospel meeting was
attended by 120 people
(non-believers). We need to
pray for their salvation.
2(a)#Evangelistic Meeting (Gospel Crusade) (Photo No. 1 & 2)
By God's grace, some believers and I (Peter Mana Phay) conducted the Evangelistic Meeting
(Crusade) at Phanmin village, Tachileik Township, Shan State, on December 15 - 16, 2016. The crusade was
attended by over 600 people every night (two nights). Many of them came to faith in Christ
by hearing the Gospel.
Photos #1 & 2 - Peter Mana
Phay preaching the Gospel
(b)# Children Christmas (Photo No. 3 & 4)
Two sisters, my wife Ngein Ngein Tun and I conducted Children Christmas at Maeyan, Tachileik
Townshup, Shan State, on December 24th, 2016. By God's grace, over 60 children joyfully attended and we
preached and taught the Salvation message. Some of them already have the assurance of Salvation, but some
of them not. Please pray with us for the salvation of those kids. After having Children Christmas, all the kids
and we all joyfully had fried noodles for lunch.
Photo #3 Peter Mana Phay teaching the Gospel
Photo #4 – Group Photo of Children Christmas
3(a)# Sunday School Children Worship Service Program (Photo No. 5 )
My wife Paw Lay and I (Nar Haw) usually have Sunday School Children worship service program on
every Sunday. We run a Children Home and living together with very poor kids and orphans. We send them to
public school for their education. We totally depend on God for their needs. We need your prayers.
Photo #5 - S.S. Children Worship Service
Photo #6 – 4 New converts (Children)
(b)# New Converts (Children) (Photo No. 6 – above)
We had a Gospel Counseling session on October 8, 2016. By the work of the Holy Spirit and the power
of the Gospel, 4 children accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Praise the Lord! Please pray
with us for the spiritual growth of these four new converts.
(c)# Children Christmas (Photo No. 7 - 9)
By God’s grace, we held Children Christmas on December 27th, 2016 (Tuesday), 87 children joyfully
attended and sang together Christmas Carols. Ms. Som Thong and my wife Paw Lay taught Christmas story to
the children and memorizing the Bible Verses regarding the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ together.
Photo #7
Photo #8
Photo #9
Photos#1(a) & (b) - Children Christmas was held at Pan Wai Let Boarder, Kale town, Sagaing Division, on Dec. 18, 2016. Ms. Mary (our partner) and her group led the Christmas. 150 Children joyfully attended, and out of them 20 children accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.
Photo #2 - Children Christmas was joyfully conducted in Shwebu, Sagaing Division on December 15, 2016. Ms. Htwee Htwee Myint (our partner) and her group led the Christmas. 500 Children attended. Most of them are non-Christians. They need our prayers for their Salvation.
Photo #3 - Children Christmas was held in Mawlaik Kale, Sagaing Division on December 21, 2016. Co-workers of Ms. Mary led this Children Christmas. 26 children eagerly attended. When they all heard about the Christmas Story, the Love of God and the main purpose of Jesus' coming to the World, all of them stood up and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. To God be the glory!
Photo #4 - Children Christmas was conducted at Football field in Kale town on December 3, 2016. Our partner Ms, Mary and her team led this Christmas Celebration. By God's grace, 308 children joyfully attended.
The leaders shared about the Christmas Story and taught some Christmas songs.
Photo #5 - Children Christmas was conducted by Ms. Mary's co-workers at Khong-thar Public School, Sagaing Division, on December 6th, 2016. 238 children joyfully attended; out of them 20 children accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Hallelujah!
Photo #6 - Children Christmas was held at Kan-Oo village, Sagaing Division on December 10th, 2016. By the grace of God, 280 Children attended; by the work of the Holy Spirit, 50 children accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Praise the Lord!
Photo #7 - Children Christmas was conducted at Primary School No. (5), in Kale town, Sagaing Division, on December 15th, 2016. The Children Christmas Celebration was joyfully attended 336 Children. We, the leaders of the Christmas had wonderful opportunity of sharing about the Christmas Story to those Children.
Photo #8 - Children Christmas was held at Htauk-kyant Village, Sagaing Division on December 23, 2016. By God;s grace, 180 children attended and 30. of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.
Thank you Lord for those new converts!
Photo #9 - Children Christmas was held at the Compound of Hospital in Kalewa town, Sagaing Division on December 7th, 2016. By God's grace, 60 Children attended. Please pray with us for the salvation of those kids
who are non-Christians.
Church Planting in Phaya-gyi, Yangon Division: Bro. Zaw Nyi (alumni of SEABC) and his family
are doing Evangelism and Church Planting at Phaya-kyi Village, Yangon Division.
His brief ministry report is as follows -
1# We have Sunday School program and Youth program on every Sunday. And we also have Home-cell on
Wednesday night and Friday night.
2# My wife (Moe Pale Win) and I help the education of some children in the village by running home
tuition (free of charges). By doing this, we can get to know some parents of the kids and we get the
opportunity of reaching them with the Gospel.
3# New Life Trainings (Gospel Meetings)
We have New Life Training (special class for sharing about Salvation) once a month. By the work of Holy
Spirit, some non-Christians came to faith in Christ already.
4# Giving gifts to older people (Photos No. 1-7)
By God’s grace, we time to time visit older people in the village and give small gifts such as blanket, oil,
clothing, etc., and pray for them. By showing the God’s love (Agape) especially to those older people, they
welcome us and I used to share about the Gospel. By God’s grace, some of them already accepted
Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
5# Christmas Celebration (Photo No. 8)
By God’s grace, we held Christmas Celebration
on December 23rd, 2016. We invited our
neighbors and villagers. Some young people sang
Christmas Carols and I preached the Christmas
Story (the Gospel). Please pray with us for the
Salvation of the villagers of Phaya-gyi village.
Almost, all the villagers are Buddhists.
Photo #8 – Christmas Celebration at Phaya-gyi Village (Dec. 23, 2016)
Evangelism, Discipleship & Church Planting
Bro. Nan Da Lin (Alumni of SEA Bible College)
is reaching non-Christians in Wet-taung village by
helping education of the kids. He is doing home tuition
free of charges (Photo #9)
(Photo No. 9)
Gospel Meeting at Wet-taung Village
The Gospel meeting was held at Wet-taung village, Pye township, Bagu Division on Dec. 16th,
2016. Our brother Nan Da Lin is doing evangelism and Church planting there since last April, The Gospel
meeting was attended by around 50 people, most of them are Buddhists. I, Tial Thawng, preached the Gospel
and the story of Christmas. Some of them are interested in the message.
Photo #10 - Bro. Gospel Meeting at Wet-taung village
Photo #11 – Sunday School Program
Photo #12 – Bro. Nan Da Linn is teaching song and sharing about the Gospel to Kids
Newsletter of South East Asia Bible College, Yangon, Myanmar
January 2017
I wish you all have a Blessed and
Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and partnerships in the Lord’s Ministry that we are doing in Myanmar. I am now sending the PP#62 – Newsletter of SEA Bible College. I hope you will enjoy reading the news and will give thanks and praises to the Lord.
1(a)# New Life Trainings (Photos No. 1-4)
Bro. Zaw Baung (alumni of SEA Bible College) and his family are doing Evangelism and Church Planting in Shwepyathar, Yangon area. He held a New Life Training (Gospel Meeting) at Shwepyethar on October 10th, 2016. The training was attended by 13 persons; out of those, three persons accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. (Note: No photo)
And another New Life Training was held by bro. Zaw Baung in the same place on November 4-6, 2016. By God’s grace, 18 people attended the training and 6 of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Out of those 6 new converts, 4 of them took the Believer’s Water Baptism on November 6th, 2016.
(1) Mr. A-Nge Lay (33 yrs old)
(2)Mrs. Phyu Hnin Nwe (32 yrs old)
(3) Mr. Zaw Linn Aung (23 yrs old)
(4) Mr. Maung San (63 yrs old)
(b)# Christmas & Gospel Meeting (Photo No. 5)
Bro. Zaw Baung and believers from our church in Shwepyethar celebrated Christmas on December 25th, 2016.We invited unbelievers. We had a Gospel Meeting and about 63 adults and 34 children joyfully attended. Zaw Boung preached the Christmas message (Gospel) and a non-Christian namely Mr. Mya Ko accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Lord and took water baptism on that day.
(Photo# 5) Mr. Mya Ko (25 yrs old)
Prayer Requests:
1) Please pray that the Lord will provide the needed funds for rental cost of a house
for worship place.
2) for the Discipleship Training to be
held in April - May, 2017.
3) for the continuous effectiveness of
the Gospel Outreach ministry
2(a)#. Gospel Meeting (Photos No. 6 & 7)
Bro. Tial Thawng (alumni of SEABC) and his family are reaching non-Christians with the Gospel and doing church planting at South Dagon, Yangon area. He conducted the Gospel Meeting on October 18-22, 2016. The Gospel meeting was attended by 30 people. Out of those, 15 of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Out of those 15 new converts, 9 of them took believer's water baptism on Oct. 22, 2016. The Church planter Bro. Tial Thawng baptized them. Out of those 9 believers who took water baptism, one of them is Hindi background; 3 of them are from type (B); and the others are from nominal Christian background. Please pray for the spiritual growth of those new converts and the other 6 new converts that they will decide to follow Jesus Christ and take water baptism in the future.
(Photo#6) Believer’s Water Baptism Program (Oct. 22, 2016)
(Photo#7) Tial Thawng & 9 new converts
who were baptized
(b)# Children Christmas (Photo No. 8)
The Children Christmas Celebration was conducted on Dec. 17th, 2016. Over 50 children joyfully attended and we shared them about the story of Christmas. All the children joyfully and enthusiastically sang Christmas Carols. Then all the children joyfully had
Christmas Lunch Fellowship.
(Photo# 8) Children Christmas at South Dagon,
Yangon (Dec. 17, 2016)
3(a)# Personal Evangelism (Photo No. 9) By God's grace, I (Ling Hung Mana) could continue the Gospel Outreach and Church planting ministry
at Shenboung village. A woman namely Mrs. Pai Kee (about 65 yrs old) accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior and Lord on October 18, 2016. Please pray with me for the spiritual growth of this new convert.
(b)# A New Member (Photo No. 10) The Lord blessed the Gospel outreach ministry that I am doing at Shenboung village that Mr. Naing Thang Kee came to faith in Christ and joined our House Church on November 21, 2016.
(c) Project for Church Building (Photo No. 11) Our mission house (hut) is too small. So, we have been in much prayers that the Lord will provide the financial needs for the cost of a new building (House) for worship place. We need
your prayers and helps.
(Photo #9) Mrs. Pai Kee
(65 years old)
(Photo #10) Mr. Naing T. Kee (Left)
(Photo#11)Wood for
Church Building
Dear Praying Partners,
I am sending PP#62 (B), the ministry reports of some Alumni of SEA Bible College.
1(a)# Believer's Baptism (Mandalay)
By God’s grace, a lady namely Ma Thet Wei
(27 years old) accepted Jesus Christ and I (Tin Htay) baptized her on November 19, 2016. Please pray for her spiritual growth.
(b)# Gospel Meeting in Innwa
I had a wonderful opportunity of holding the Gospel Meeting in Innwa, Mandalay areas on December 21, 2016. The Gospel meeting was attended by 120 people (non-believers). We need to pray for their salvation.
2(a)#Evangelistic Meeting (Gospel Crusade) (Photo No. 1 & 2)
By God's grace, some believers and I (Peter Mana Phay) conducted the Evangelistic Meeting
(Crusade) at Phanmin village, Tachileik Township, Shan State, on December 15 - 16, 2016. The crusade was attended by over 600 people every night (two nights). Many of them came to faith in Christ by hearing the Gospel.
Photos #1 & 2 - Peter Mana
Phay preaching the Gospel
(b)# Children Christmas (Photo No. 3 & 4)
Two sisters, my wife Ngein Ngein Tun and I conducted Children Christmas at Maeyan, Tachileik Townshup, Shan State, on December 24th, 2016. By God's grace, over 60 children joyfully attended and we preached and taught the Salvation message. Some of them already have the assurance of Salvation, but some of them not. Please pray with us for the salvation of those kids. After having Children Christmas, all the kids and we all joyfully had fried noodles for lunch.
Photo #3 Peter Mana Phay teaching the Gospel
Photo #4 - Group Photo of Children Christmas
3(a)# Sunday School Children Worship Service Program (Photo No. 5 )
My wife Paw Lay and I (Nar Haw) usually have Sunday School Children worship service program on every Sunday. We run a Children Home and living together with very poor kids and orphans. We send them to public school for their education. We totally depend on God for their needs. We need your prayers.
Photo #5 - S.S. Children Worship Service
Photo #6 - 4 New converts (Children)
(b)# New Converts (Children) (Photo No. 6 - above)
We had a Gospel Counseling session on October 8, 2016. By the work of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Gospel, 4 children accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Praise the Lord! Please pray with us for the spiritual growth of these four new converts.
(c)# Children Christmas (Photo No. 7 - 9)
By God’s grace, we held Children Christmas on December 27th, 2016 (Tuesday), 87 children joyfully attended and sang together Christmas Carols. Ms. Som Thong and my wife Paw Lay taught Christmas story to the children and memorizing the Bible Verses regarding the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ together.
Photo #7
Photo #8
Photo #9
Photos#1(a) & (b) - Children Christmas was held at Pan Wai Let Boarder, Kale town, Sagaing Division, on Dec. 18, 2016. Ms. Mary (our partner) and her group led the Christmas. 150 Children joyfully attended, and out of them 20 children accepted Jesus Christ as their personal
Savior and Lord.
Photo #2 - Children Christmas was joyfully conducted in Shwebu, Sagaing Division on December 15, 2016. Ms. Htwee Htwee Myint (our partner) and her group led the Christmas. 500 Children attended. Most of them are non-Christians. They need our prayers
for their Salvation.
Photo #3 - Children Christmas was held in Mawlaik Kale, Sagaing Division on December 21, 2016. Co-workers of Ms. Mary led this Children Christmas. 26 children eagerly attended. When they all heard about the Christmas Story, the Love of God and the main purpose of Jesus' coming to the World, all of them stood up and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. To God be the glory!
Photo #4 - Children Christmas was conducted at Football field in Kale town on December 3, 2016. Our partner Ms, Mary and her team led this Christmas Celebration. By God's grace, 308 children joyfully attended. The leaders shared about the Christmas Story and taught
some Christmas songs.
Photo #5 - Children Christmas was conducted by Ms. Mary's co-workers at Khong-thar Public School, Sagaing Division, on December 6th, 2016. 238 children joyfully attended; out of them 20 children accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Hallelujah!
Photo #6 - Children Christmas was held at Kan-Oo village, Sagaing Division on December 10th, 2016. By the grace of God, 280 Children attended; by the work of the Holy Spirit, 50 children accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Praise the Lord!
Photo #7 - Children Christmas was conducted at Primary School No. (5), in Kale town, Sagaing Division, on December 15th, 2016. The Children Christmas Celebration was joyfully attended 336 Children. We, the leaders of the Christmas had wonderful opportunity of sharing about the Christmas Story to those Children.
Photo #8 - Children Christmas was held at Htauk-kyant Village, Sagaing Division on December 23, 2016. By God;s grace, 180 children attended and 30. of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.
Thank you Lord for those new converts!
Photo #9 - Children Christmas was held at the Compound of Hospital in Kalewa town, Sagaing Division on December 7th, 2016. By God's grace, 60 Children attended. Please pray with us for the salvation of those kids who are non-Christians.
Church Planting in Phaya-gyi, Yangon Division: Bro. Zaw Nyi (alumni of SEABC) and his family are doing Evangelism and Church Planting at Phaya-kyi Village, Yangon Division.
His brief ministry report is as follows -
1# We have Sunday School program and Youth program on every Sunday. And we also have Home-cell on Wednesday night and Friday night.
2# My wife (Moe Pale Win) and I help the education of some children in the village by running home tuition (free of charges). By doing this, we can get to know some parents of the kids and we get the opportunity of reaching
them with the Gospel.
3# New Life Trainings (Gospel Meetings)
We have New Life Training (special class for sharing about Salvation) once a month. By the work of Holy Spirit, some non-Christians came to faith in Christ already.
4# Giving gifts to older people (Photos No. 1-7)
By God’s grace, we time to time visit older people in the village and give small gifts such as blanket, oil, clothing, etc., and pray for them. By showing the God’s love (Agape) especially to those older people, they welcome us and I used to share about the Gospel. By God’s grace, some of them already accepted Jesus Christ as
their Lord and Savior.
5# Christmas Celebration (Photo No. 8)
By God’s grace, we held Christmas Celebration
on December 23rd, 2016. We invited our
neighbors and villagers. Some young people sang
Christmas Carols and I preached the Christmas
Story (the Gospel). Please pray with us for the
Salvation of the villagers of Phaya-gyi village.
Almost, all the villagers are Buddhists.
Photo #8 - Christmas Celebration at Phaya-gyi Village (Dec. 23, 2016)
Evangelism, Discipleship & Church Planting
Bro. Nan Da Lin (Alumni of SEA Bible College)
is reaching non-Christians in Wet-taung village by
helping education of the kids. He is doing home tuition free of charges (Photo #9)
(Photo No. 9)
Gospel Meeting at Wet-taung Village
The Gospel meeting was held at Wet-taung village, Pye township, Bagu Division on Dec. 16th,
2016. Our brother Nan Da Lin is doing evangelism and Church planting there since last April, The Gospel meeting was attended by around 50 people, most of them are Buddhists. I, Tial Thawng, preached the Gospel and the story of Christmas. Some of them are
interested in the message.
Photo #10 - Bro. Gospel Meeting at
Wet-taung village
Photo #11 - Sunday School Program
Photo #12 - Bro. Nan Da Linn is teaching song and sharing about the Gospel to Kids