Praying Partners 95
Dear Praying Partners,
PP#95 - The News Letter of SEABC&S' Gospel Outreach Ministry.
Loving greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all public/private schools and Bible schools in Myanmar are still closed. We stay at homes and have worship service through zoom.
By God’s grace, some alumnus and students of SEABC&S from different places in Myanmar are doing personal evangelism and some peoples accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.
I am sending the Testimony of two new converts.
Reported by Bro. Tin Htay (alumni of SEABC&S).
1) Testimony of Mr. Zan Dwe Aung (30 years old)
I was borne and brought up from a Christian family in Kachin State, Myanmar. I disobeyed my parents and became an alcoholic. Though I attended church I did not think about my future life (life after death).
I moved to Mandalay in 2019. A friend of mine who is a Christian gave me advice to attend a small house church, located near by Mandalay Palace. When I attended that house church, I heard the Gospel (Salvation message) through the pastor namely Pastor Tin Htay. And I had a counseling time with him and he thoroughly explained about the Gospel. I came to realize that I was a sinner by birth (Psalm 51:5., Rom. 3:23), the wages of my sin is death (Rom. 6:23), I can do nothing for my salvation (Rom. 3:10-12), Jesus Christ died on the cross for me, buried and rose again on the third day (1Cor. 15:3-4), a sinner can get salvation by faith in Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:8-9). After realizing the true Gospel, I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord. Ever since, I have peace and assurance of Salvation (John 3:16., 1:12-13, Eph. 4:30). Praise the Lord!
As the Lord answered my prayers, I took the believer’s water baptism on August 8, 2020. Pastor Tin Htay baptized me.
Please pray for my spiritual growth and my future life. To God be the glory!
2) Testimony of Mr. Ba Chit (68 years)
My name is Mr. Ba Chit. I was brought up from a nominal Christian family. I did not have the assurance of salvation. I had been an alcoholic for long time. I was in Myanmar army for 14 years. Due to my health problems, I resigned from the Army. My health situation was so bad and I was in hospital. My wife who is a born again believer and other believers prayed for my recovery. By God’s grace, the Lord graciously answered their prayers and I have recovered.
By God’s grace, Pastor Tin Htay clearly told me about Creation (Gen. 1-2) Sin (Gen. 3., Ps. 51:5., Rom. 3:10., 3:23), the Penalty of sin (Rom. 6:23), and about the Salvation (John 3:16., 1:12-13., Eph. 2:8-9) in last July, 2020. After clearly understanding those factors of the truth, I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord. Then I dedicated my life to be faithful follower of Christ and took the believer’s Water baptism on August 8, 2020. I was baptized by Pastor Tin Htay. To God be the glory!
Please pray for my spiritual growth. Thank you so much!
Reported by: Bro. Tin Htay
Translated by: Kap
PHOTO#1&2: Mr. Hung Shien Um (24 years old) TESTIMONY OF Mr. Hung Shien Um
I was a nominal Christian. I was not interested in spiritual matter and did not care about my life after death. One day I knew that I had kidney problem. I knew that one of my friends in my home town called Mindat, Chin State, Myanmar, had kidney problem. He went to a hospital in Yangon (Rangoon) and had medical check up and treatment. Then he returned to Mindat and we had a dinner fellowship. The next day, he felt very painful because of his kidney. So, his family brought him to the hospital in our home town Mindat. Finally, he died. When I know that my friend died because of his kidney problem, I was scared and worry about my life after death. I may die at any time because of my kidney problem, where I will spend my eternity - in heaven or in hell? I did not know for sure. Then I could not eat and could not sleep because I was afraid of getting to hell.
By God’s grace, I had a wonderful privilege of participating in the counseling session conducted by Pastor Kyaw Naing Oo on Sept. 9-11, 2020. He taught us about Salvation (the Gospel). By hearing his teaching the Word of God, I came to realize that I was a sinner, fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 5:12-14., Ps. 51:5., Rom. 3:23), and the wages of my sin is death (Rom. 6:23). But when I heard the good news of the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross (John 19:30., 3:16., Rom. 5:8., 1Cor. 15:3-4), I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord on September 10, 2020. After accepting Jesus Christ, I have wonderful peace, joy, and the assurance of salvation (John 1:12-13., 3:36., Eph. 2:8-9., 4:30). Hallelujah!
Then I dedicated my life to the Lord to be His faithful follower and took the believer’s water baptism on September 11, 2020. I was baptized by Pastor Kyaw Naing Oo.
May I request you to pray for my spiritual growth and for recovery from my kidney problem. Thank you so much!
NOTE: Bro. Kyaw Naing Oo is an alumni of SEABC&S, and doing evangelism and church planting at Chan-pyan village (A), Matupi township, Chin State, Myanmar
PHOTO#3: Mr. Thein Aung (14 years old)
TESTIMONY of Mr. Thein Aung
I attended Sunday School classes and learned that all human beings (including me) are sinners, sinners will go to hell (Rom. 3:10., 23., 6:23), if a sinner believes Jesus Christ then he/she will to heaven when he/she dies. Though I learned the facts mentioned above, I did not have the assurance of salvation.
When I attended the counseling session conducted by Pastor Kyaw Naing Oo on September 9-11, 2020, he clearly explained about the Gospel to me. After clearly understanding the Gospel, I could not keep quiet but accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord on September 10, 2020. Ever since, I have peace and the assurance of salvation in my heart (John 3:16., Eph. 2:8-9., John 1:12-13).
Please pray for my spiritual growth. Thank you so much!
Testimonies & photos sent by: Pastor Kyaw Naing Oo
Translated by: Kap