Praying Partners 84
Dear Beloved Praying Partners,
By God's grace, we conducted New Life Training especially for those who did not have the Assurance of Salvation; and Christian Life Training for those who are true believers those who have the Assurance of Salvation. The training was conducted in Mandalay on March 11-12, 2019.
There were 12 peoples attended the New Life Training. Bro. Saw Kay taught about the Salvation (Photo#3). By God's grace, 8 of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Please pray for the follow up works for those new converts.
In Christ,
Thank you so much for your prayers.
I (Kap) taught "Balancing Christian Life"(Photo#1), and bro. Aung Myint taught "Distinctions in Salvation"(Photo#2)
By God's grace, all attendees have been greatly edified and strengthened.
PP#84 - The News Letter of SEABC&S' Gospel Outreach Ministry.
By God's grace, the Christian Leaders Seminar was successfully held in Kanpetlet town, Southern Chin State, Myanmar from March 6th to 8th, 2019. The Seminar was joyfully attended by around 35 persons. Most of them are pastors; a few of them are deacons, Church planters, evangelists, and Sunday School leaders.
Bro. Kap Cin Thang taught
- Basic Christian Doctrines,
- Bible Based Christian Leadership, and --- Balancing Christian Life.
Thank you so much for your prayers.
Bro. Saw Kay taught
- How to find the Lord's will According to the Word of God?," and
Bro. Aung Myint taught
- Distinctions in Salvation" (Three Tenses of Salvation).
In Christ,
By God's grace, Christian Leaders Seminar was successfully held in Chaungthar, Irrawaddy Division, Myanmar on March 26-28, 2019. The Seminar was joyfully attended around 50 persons (Pastors, missionaries, etc.).
Bro. Kap, Bro. Saw Kay, and Bro. Myint So Win taught different topics/subjects such as Bible Based/Christ Centered Leadership, Balancing Christian Life, How to find God's perfect will according to the Word of God, etc.
Please pray for those brothers and sisters and the continued effectiveness of the Gospel Outreach ministry, Discipleship, Church planting, and their leadership.
Thank you so much for your prayers for the Lord's ministry we are doing in Myanmar.
Doing Christ's Great Commission together,